Friday, June 26, 2009

Mad As Hell!

This is going to be a complete venting post so please be aware. I am SICK and tired of the kings and queens in Washington thinking that us little people are dumb and won't pay attention to the crap they are trying to pass in congress. I am not a C-Span watcher but I have sat here and watched the debate about this climate change bill, AKA cap and trade and am pissed. Once again they are putting all sorts of restrictions on our freedoms with this bill in the name of job creation and energy Independence. Why don't they just come out and say it....they hate America and all they care about is themselves. Power, money, sex, and lies. I want a decent human being in office!!!!! Are there any of those left? Someone who doesn't cheat on his/her spouse, someone who will stick by there convictions even if it is political suicide, someone who loves America and the Constitution.

I have just tuned into these issues the last little while and am amazed at how out of touch our government is. Has anyone been paying attention to the protesters in Iran...that could be us shortly if we don't get things under control with the people who are suppose to be representing us.

If anyone cares please call your Representatives and let them know how you feel. And if you don't like Nancy Pelosi and want her to know her days are numbered in congress call her too...(surprisingly it was a good release) and everyone else that you think is corrupt. Do a google search and these numbers are easy to find.

If we don't do anything I think we will all be in a world of hurt. It is time to become a political activist for what you believe in. Lets start using this freedom before that is taken away too!


Janie said...

We need more people getting mad. Millions called washington today. It was impossible to get through. America really spoke up today now we will see if our representatives still pass this rediculous bill!!!

I had so much fun tonight. We need! to do this more often. I haven't felt this renewed in a long time and it wasn't the massage(even though that was great). It was having a girls night away from the kids. Thanks again. :)

Johnny said...

Don't really know if the bear fogger works yet or not. I've tried to see if someone will let me test it on them but no takers yet. I haven't had time to keep up with the politics lately. Glad somebody is still paying attention to how bad they are.

Ben said...

I'm as angry as you. I'm tired of being lied to. If The One is going to raise taxes then he should be saying that from the get go, not masquerading as a savior for the people. He's a savior for the liberal wish list.