Thursday, July 23, 2009

Where Heaven Meets Earth

I have to admit that my temple experience since being an endowed member has been nice and I have enjoyed attending and feeling that peace. However, it got to be a little boring. I have found that I was just showing up and participating in the ordinances without ever "seeking" for new knowledge. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy it but it was not a feast like we are taught that it can be. Until about a month ago.

I had to teach a lesson on it in church and in my preparation for the lesson I started reading Truman Madsen's book entitled, "Where Heaven Meets Earth." This along with conference talks and attending the Reno temple weekly for the last three weeks has expanded my mind with new insights that I have been wanting for a long time. When pondering why had I not had this happen before the thought came, "Because you took no thought but to ask". That was it! I was going with the hopes that I would be taught some new thing with only a prayer before I went. I was not studying things out on my own before hand.

I love the principal of faith. Faith is the key to all that we want to know and become. With this great principal all things were and are done. It is the principal of power and ACTION. We can say we believe all day long but if we are not acting on that belief then its faith without works. I say this because in reading and studying about the temple it increased my faith, which in turn I wanted to increase my action, which in turn leads to greater manifestations of my faith. Its a wonderful program. I love the gospel with all my heart and am so happy that I can keep gaining new understanding and get stronger and stronger in my testimony.

To think that the temple is where we learn about all our eternal possibilities and how we can achieve that. There is no guessing on how to become good, happy, eternal beings we are taught all we need to do and become in the temple.

Madsen says in his book that members say a lot of the time they are going to go through the temple but that is really not the case, the temple goes through us! That line has touched me deeply. Along with the eternal truths that Heavenly Father and His Son love us so much that they go through all the trouble of trying to teach us how to become like they are. I used to look at the temple as like a side dish to the gospel ...not anymore. I see it as the main dish now and want to go all the time.

1 comment:

Janie said...

I love the temple. Shane and I are trying to get there this week. Do you and Mike always take turns going and watching Morgan? Sometimes it so hard with the kids but I'd like to go weekly. I think among many other things it would help with, one would be helping me endure the children!:) Thanks for your post. I love seeing the spiritual ones. It's like a mini lesson and boost for my day.