Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kitchen Mess

This story starts back on August 18th.  I had started the dishwasher and awhile later noticed mass amounts of water coming from it and flowing onto the floor. My first thought was, “dang, I am going to have to call an appliance guy and pay $75 for him just coming to look at it.”  If I only knew then what that water leak was going to turn into that would have been the least of my worries. 
It turned out we had had a leak for awhile and mold was growing….yuck!   (Let me remind the reader that I am pregnant!)  So that first day I cried and wondered how much this was going to put us out and why everything bad that could happen seems to happen to me….you know, the pity talk we all have with ourselves at times.  Then when I thought I would give into my despair, please also keep in mind that I am just starting to feel human again…coming out of the morning sickness thing at this time, Mike tells me I should look into our insurance to see if this is covered.    Hallelujah, it was!  One minor detail we have our deductible is set at $2,500.  O-well, it’s better than bearing this cost alone….and we are lowering that after this ordeal is over until we have adequate savings in place.   
So now onto the photos of the last 56 days of our lives. 
Where the water damaged happened.

First phase of drying it out with jet like sounding fans!  Notice no containment area around to catch the mold spores!
Second attempt at drying out with a new company that knew what they were doing.
What it looked like inside the containment area.  Did I mention what a joy it was trying to keep the kids off this plastic?!!
Kitchen totally and utterly gone!

Just an old picture of what the kitchen used to look like.

Another shot of what the kitchen looked like from a different angle.

This is what it looks like today.  Still not done but O so close!
I am amazed at how beautiful this kitchen is now, and more importantly how much more functional it is!   So here is a disaster turned into a major blessing.  I am glad this process is almost over because I can’t say enough how sick I am of eating out, how tired I am of doing dishes in the bathroom sink, and having people in and out all the time.  But if I had to do it again to get these results …I would! 
I can't wait to start baking and eating home cooked meals! 


Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh! I heard about there being a leak in your kitchen, but that is something else to see pictures! What a PAIN, but it turned out BEAUTIFUL! Oh would I love to have those counters and a bar seating area. It looks great! So glad that such an awful trial worked out so well in the end. My parents did a major kitchen remodel a few years back and your post reminded me of them with their microwave TV dinners and doing dishes in the bathroom sink. Hopefully this is a one time only experience. I'm also so glad to hear that you are starting to feel better through this pregnancy. Hope you get that 2nd trimester energy boost. I love the new family pictures at the top of the blog too. Your boys are so handsome and Morgan is darling. I don't know why, but they sure remind me of my three - personalities a bit and everything. Must have to do with being oldest, middle child, and youngest. When you coming to Fernley again? :)

Candy said...

what a huge pain....but what a GORGEOUS kitchen! Wow!

I think the first thing you should bake is a batch of your pumpkin cookies! I made them the same night I called you...yummo!

Jaime said...

It looks great!! I'm so excited that you have your kitchen back. I made your favorite cookies today & I'll send some to work with TJ for you tomorrow!