Tuesday, February 21, 2012

No Fun

Today marks one month of having a cold and I am SO over it!  It has been bad off an on but since Saturday it has been nearly unbearable.  I can't breath and trying to accomplish anything is impossible due to no sleep during the night. 

The good news is that I am 37 weeks and the doctor says if I am progressing he will induce at 39 weeks!  I will find out what is going on down there on Thursday!  That is what I need to focus on...NOT that I want to be shot and put out of my misery.  Michael gave me a blessing last night so I hope that will help.

I can't believe I am going to have another little baby in our home in a couple weeks!!!!!


Katie said...

We will pray that you get over your cold quickly!
How exciting on the baby front! Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about this new little angel that will be here soon!

valyn said...

I can't believe you are that far along. You are tiny. I used to take echinachea when I was pregnant and couldn't breathe at night. It helped.

lowrain said...

Boil fresh ginger and drink the warm water. Good for tummy and fab for cold
Love Meema

Janie said...

What is wrong with me?! I thought I already commented on this post!

I am so sorry you have been sick! That is so not fair when you are pregnant. I can't believe you are almost done with this pregnancy and going to have another angel to love and hold! can't wait to see him. By the way have you picked a name?