Thursday, April 3, 2014

Carson is 8!

Here is my boy!  He is such a sweet, cute, spiritually sensitive, smart, strong, little man.  I look into his big brown eyes and just fall in love all over again.
This is Carson getting what he wanted for his birthday.  I love seeing the kids so happy!
Checking out his new ride.
Still checking it out....I feel bad because his birthday is in January and we never get to do any fun outside things for him like we do for the others.  And now that he had this bike...what is he suppose to do just sit and look at it.  I should have posted the pictures of him riding it around the house and all the kids following him from behind.
Carson and Tater checking out the cake.
Love how Tater is so intently watching the candles. And Carson blew them out with one breath.

Now we switch gears to the BAPTISM.  

These pictures are what Mike took of him a few days before he got baptized.  Carson was really excited for the big day.  When we talked about it you could tell he was really taking it all in.
The day was a whirlwind and when we got there to set up there was another baptism going on so we had to wait for awhile...grrr!  That threw me off and I totally spaced taking pictures of him in his white outfit!!!
Here is the family that came.  It was cute he had Max give a talk, which was really good!  Carson was very persistent that Max be there... so we changed the date to ensure that he would be in attendance with us.

There are so many great things about this kid.  I am so excited to see how he will grow and develop.  He
I love you Carson very much!  Thank you for being so good.

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