Saturday, May 23, 2009

Boys Night Out

A little history will be made known leading up to this night. We have had sickness in this house now for a good two weeks. We all got it including Michael, which is strange because he usually doesn't get colds. I had a few really rough days earlier this week because of who knows what maybe sickness, maybe cuz my parents left (will tell that story as soon as I get pictures from my mom so I can post about it....hint hint mom!) maybe it was my time of the month. Whatever the case may have been I felt like running away and not coming back.

Well, Michael my amazing husband not only lets me vent without judgement he agrees to letting me have a whole weekend off. What that entails is not a lavish get away like Mrs. Brya received, which I am not jealous about in the least (of course I am what mother is not!) it is me staying around the house but I can come and go as I please. I don't have to make meals, wipe bums, break-up fights or take kids with me. I can deflect all issues, needs and wants to him. Sweet, hu?

This picture was taken yesterday of the boys getting ready to go to the baseball game. Mike took them with Nathan and his kids to a game in Reno while I got to stay home with Morgan.

I was thrilled to have the house somewhat to myself. I got Pride and Prejudice and a Caramello and enjoyed what I could. Today is day 2 of my vacation and it is going very well. I slept in a little this morning, just made my breakfast, worked outside without having to be interupted by needs, and I even got a nap! By Monday I will be ready to tackle the daily routine of meeting needs.


The Carter's said...

Right on!!! I like to hear that! I can't wait until I can have those days when tilden comes home......If im!!! The kids are so stinkin cute and I miss you guys like crazy. HOpe you are all feeling better now. Love ya

Candy said...

Yay for you! THat is so such a fun treat to have a little time for yourself, even if you are just a home. Hope you feel all geared up now. What a husband you have! Hope they had fun too!

Jessica said...

So when is it my turn for Mike to take my kids for the weekend? HAHAHA! Hope you had an amazing weekend!

Janie said...

I am glad it is going well. You still haven't told me about your self hair cut. Will you be at church tomorrow?

Annie Jane said...

I am happy to hear you did that. We all need our breaks, in one form or another. Isn't it funny how it used to seem so hard with just one baby and now if we are left alone with just one we think we've got it made? I hope this weekend gives you the renewal you are looking for!
Anyway that is a really pretty picture of you and Morgan. I am glad you are all feeling better now.

Ben said...

Mmmm. I see you're also into politics and guns. and are both great websites for news. Every outlet has its bias, but these are the best free sites. Do you read the Economist at all?

Kids are so cute. Hope things are well!

Johnny said...

We are glad you got your blog working-It is good to be able to keep in touch. And you look great! I love the picture of you and Morgan. What a wonderful husband you have taking the boys out and giving you time off.
Love John and Shana