I know I can't shield him from bad influences that will come his way but I CAN prepare for them and teach him what to do in those situations. Living the gospel and trying to teach it to the kids really brings me peace. I know that there is power that will keep my little boy safe and I want to do everything I can to tap into that.
Michael gave him his first blessing too after our little lesson. It was such a special moment. I can't even describe it.
And of course I have been in heaven minus one! That first week felt so wonderful. I was ready too! It has given me the opportunity to have really great one on one time with Carson.
I thought this was cute. This picture demonstrates all I have to learn from Michael. Okay, so it was Cole's turn to bring snacks to soccer. If I was in charge I would have just put goldfish in zip lock bags for all the kids and would have called it good (which was what I was planning to do until Mike heard me say that.) Michael on the other hand really makes it special for Cole and the other kids. (I just don't think like that....but I want to.) So he puts together these little oranges, scooby do snacks, and something else and puts them in baggies. Then he gets these drinks but not just one for each kid. He buys two different kinds so they can choose which they want. I thought that was so special. I bet that makes Cole feel good to bring such a good treat and the kids feel good for getting one. I need lots of help in the giving department.
The 3rd major event... our 7 year anniversary! This was a really fun night. I was going to take him to a nice dinner and then go do something fun like miniature golf or bowling or whatever he wanted to do. Well, on our way in he brought up us jumping off this bungee (sp) swing in Reno. I surprised him and said, "Lets do it." I think we just wanted to prove to each other that we could still be crazy and spontaneous. Well, I prayed the whole way up and cussed the whole way down. (I only swore once actually.) This thing took us both up 250 feet and then Mike pulled the cord and it dropped us. I don't remember the fall I just remember swinging for awhile.
We had a great laugh and proved that we were still young and crazy even after 7 years of marriage.
I'm glad your updated your blog..love to keep up with you and the family..you look great..of course..and I am glad you had a great August ...When are you gonna blog about your birthday you old bat...lol..
love you lots...xoxoxox
Hey guys,
Glad Cole is enjoying school. he looks cute in his soccer outfit with his hair spiked up. Wow your 7 year anniversary! Does it feel like 7 years? We cant believe you did that bungee swing- that would be scary!
Love John and Shana
Hey! I need to call you and get the latest info on your life! What a fun post. I bet Cole is doing great in school and sounds like a fun bungee jumping date!
Mike is such a great dad and guy to get all those little goodie bags ready for the kids.
-i have something else to tell you, but not sure it's blog appropriate. so call me woman. :)
Cylee, congrats on the 7 year anniversary. Man! Has it really been 7 years?! How time flys. Mike is looking great BTW! That is a funny story about the Soccer treats. It's funny how you are like most dudes. That is what Isaac would do and I would be the one wanting to take a really nice (slightly more expensive) treat. ;)
Congratulations you two. That's so great! I'm happy for you both! All your kids are so cute I mean cool (don't tell them I said cute). Do tell them hi for me.
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