Saturday, July 6, 2013

Date Week

 I Love this wonderful man of mine.  He has spoiled me all week!  This night we did a little shopping, a little dinner, and then just played in the park with the camera for a bit.
 I can't believe we have four kids together, have been together for 11 years and we still know how to have fun together.  He is so good about our weekly date nights and is always such a gentleman!  Thanks babe for our night outs.... I NEED them!!
 The next night we went to dinner and the temple with the Anderson's!  Sure love this couple and holy cow did we all get a good laugh that night at my expense.  (A story that must never be told!)
 A couple days later we meet up with Jake and Jared and spent 9 hours at Lagoon!!   Mike and I have talked about doing this for awhile now and I am so glad we finally did it.  It was such a blast!   It was such a perfect day to go.  We didn't have to wait long for the rides, it wasn't terribly hot, and all we had to worry about was what did we want to eat, and what ride was next.  It was so great playing like a kid again.

Our favorite rides were Wicked,  Rattlesnake Rapids, and then the ride that takes you up super high and then drops you!  So much fun.  The next night was July 4th so I will do a post on that next....another great night.
Then last night ( yes, I am starting to  feel guilty for leaving the kids so much) we went to Freedom Works presentation and Glen Beck was a speaker there along with Senator Mike Lee, Mia Love, Ted Cruz's dad and some others.  It was pretty fun.  We were worried we were going to get rained out but just got sprinkled on.  Tonight we are going to Man in the Moon and I can't wait!

This week has been dream like.  The stars aligned so we were able to do all this.  So fun!  Mike is leaving for the next four days so I hope this great feeling will remain and get me through till he returns.


Katie said...

What a fun week! Lagoon sounds great! Brian and I need a vacation there I do believe. Ahh to be a kid again. :)

LOve your entertainment center! Looks great! You are a talented lady!

Liz said...

O.k. how did you pull this off?? Sounds awesome! I am so jealous! Who watched your kids all week??