Saturday, August 22, 2009

I think this picture of mom and Morgan is so cute. We were really struggling with Morgan to get here to cooperate.

My mom is a wonderfully talented woman with so many gifts. Let me brag about her for a moment. She can sew anything from clothes to curtains and has for a long time. She also is a wonderful cook and makes the best rolls and bread EVER! As far as running a home...she is one of the best. Her house is kept clean and always in show condition. She exercises almost everyday of the week and has since I can remember. This woman is so creative. She scrapbooks, stamps, makes anything and everything that catches her eye. Have I mentioned that she can garden as well? Well, she can and does. She is currently involved in taking online photo classes to become an even better photographer than she already is. To say in one sentence my mom is inspirational! I owe a lot of who I am and what I am interested in to her.

She loves taking photos of her family!

While we were there this time we discovered that Cole has allergies. He woke up one morning and his eyes were almost swollen shut. It doesn't help that he went 4 wheeling out in the fields, but that didn't keep him from playing outside. He LOVES to climb trees. He wouldn't stay out of this one.

1 comment:

Janie said...

Your mom let her hair go grey.(?)It looks nice. Cute pictures