Cole came home last week from school beaming with pride that he had a loose tooth. To him this is a major milestone in becoming a big kid. He messed with it all day while bugging me with a thousand questions about the tooth fairy. Knowing that this day would come, but not thinking so soon, I was caught off guard by all the questioning.
We then proceeded to do things that might help speed the process along.
Cole was excited but very nervous about it hurting. Thus the look.
Then Morgee had to get in on the fun. We did not succeed in removing the tooth this day but we had success the next.
Here Cole is missing one tooth on the bottom. He was so proud and Carson was pleased too. (Is Carson not adorable?)
Cole came home the next day again bugging me about his tooth and wanting it out. So I said I would pull it for him. To my surprise with a little coaxing he let me grab it and I pulled it out with ease. It was cute to see the look of shock on his face when I handed him his tooth.
Of course right after this picture he dropped the tooth and it is still missing! Not to worry, the tooth fairy still came and he got 4 quarters from her.
I am so proud of you Cole. You are such a handsome, smart, funny little guy. I look forward to more special moments like this with you.
Awesome!! And what a generous tooth fairy he has! Our tooth fairy with probably only leave a quarter. Tell Cole no to talk to Olivia until he is over the tooth fairy thing :) J/K.
Congrats Cole!
I hope you can read my post! :) :) I should have proof read before I hit post! :) Oh well, you still love me right?
Shana thinks thats amazing that you pulled his tooth out, she said she could never do that. Way to go Cole.
How fun! I still remember my excitement over losing teeth! Cole is really growing up! The pics of Cole and Carson together are so adorable!
Rachel has lost 2 bottom teeth and is now about to loose a top and a K-9 (not to be mistaken for a dog) just in time for wedding pictures. :)
I sure miss and love you guys!!!!
It was so fun to see these pix of your darlings. The next time Cole has a loose tooth have him talk to Rachel who wiggles and wiggles and wiggles and wiggles until it drops out. We are not sure if it was science or brute force.
Miss you all the time. Hope to see you this summer.
Marilyn B
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