Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My 1st Caucus Meeting

With the travesty that happened on Sunday it was so nice to go get involved politically tonight and feel like I was making a difference. I went to my first caucus meeting and it was fascinating. I felt very self-conscious about not knowing the basics of what was transpiring but after awhile I started catching on.

We prayed, said the pledge of allegiance and then voted on delegates for our county and state. If you want to feel like you have a voice attend yours! We are even going to take it as far as going to the dinner where you pay money to listen to the candidates talk and persuade you to vote for them and this sounds totally exciting to me!

With the political climate that we are in I don’t see how anyone cannot be totally worried, concerned and motivated to change it.


Janie said...

How did you find out about the caucus meeting. I think it's awesome you get so involved!

Adalia said...

How funny because I think of you as well with anything political. Not just then but lots of time too! We miss you guys! Hope all is well with you all