I understand that trials and opposition are a part of life! I’m 32 years old and that lesson should not be lost to me at this point in time. With the passing of time certain lessons should register and become like second nature to a person. We have all heard the clichés “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”, “The rainbow can only be seen after the storm”, ect, ect, ect. I feel I have been around long enough for this principal to really sink in.
So why is it so hard to take setbacks when we know they will be inevitably coming?
It was one week and two days ago. I awoke that Sabbath morning to put the finishing touches on my lesson for church (actually I was just starting to prepare! I feel terrible when I do that.) And that’s when I got the call from Mike. The goats had gotten in and EATEN all my strawberries (80), all my raspberries (10), and broken and eaten several of my little fruit trees that were trying to get started in this cold world! How did I handle myself? Not good. I didn’t realize my deep love I had for all fruit bearing crop until that moment.
We, I mean the plants and I, have struggled to regroup and keep moving forward and have been doing pretty well until today! Those d*#@ little creatures got in AGAIN! Victims once again to the goats are my strawberries. Truly, I had hoped these berries would be my pride and joy this summer, but now I see it’s not to be.
So as I sit here and reflect on the how and the whys, I guess I just need to chalk it up to that opposition in life will also spill into the garden area too, and maybe three little goaties need to be shot, or sold, or something, but they NEED TO GO!!!!
Those little buggers, I'm sorry Cylee it is so frusterating when you work so hard for something just to have it get ruined :(
I second that decision just get rid of the goats and give your poor plants a chance!!! Keep your chin up, miss you guys!
I'm sorry Cylee, I feel so bad for you. But at the same time it is kinda funny. Growing up on a farm and having cows, I can't tell you how many times they got out and we had to chase them down and get them back in. One time I even fell into a manure pit chasing them. Such is the life of being an animal owner. Do the goats have a purpose?? If not, get rid of them and save yourself the hassle.
Wo wo wo ladies - those goats are milk making machines. Quit drinking the Hatorade!
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